Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Default permission levels in Sharepoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 includes seven permission levels:

- View Only: It enables users to view application pages.

- Limited Access: It enables users to access shared resources and a specific asset. Limited Access cannot be edited or deleted.

- Read: It enables users to view pages and list items, and to download documents.

- Contribute: Contribute enables users to manage personal views, edit items and user information, delete versions in existing lists and document libraries, and add, remove, and update personal Web Parts.

- Edit: It enables users to manage lists.

- Design: Design permission level enables users to view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize items or pages in the website.

- Full Control: It enables users to have full control of the website.

Apart from this SharePoint 2013 also provides some permission levels to templates other than team site template. These are below:

- Restricted Read: This permission level is only for Publishing sites only. It enables View pages and documents.

- Approve: This permission level is only for Publishing sites only. It enables Edit and approve pages, list items, and documents.

- Manage Hierarchy: This permission level is only for Publishing sites only. Create sites; edit pages, list items, and documents, and change site permissions.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Deleting error webpart without using designer

          I was using a ReportViewerWebPart webpart at my home page. Sometimes during deployment this cause trouble that i could not open my home page since in some servers reports was not configured. I was resolving it using Sharepoint designer. I would open up my home page with sharepoint designer delete the webpart and now i could open my home page.

         Now i have found an alternate solution for this. We could use Web Part Page Maintenance for deleting this error web part. The solution is,


     Add the value ?Contents=1 at the end of your site.

     It now looks like http://yourservername/sites/yoursitename?Contents=1

     Hit Enter, that leads you to webpart maintenance page.

  The "Open on Page" shows error if that webpart contains error. you can select that particular webpart and delete it.

     Now the error webparts in homepage is deleted and the home page is displayed without the error webparts.