Tuesday, 11 March 2014

An unhandled exception occurred in the silverlight application sharepoint 2010

              When i try to create a new list or document library in my site, I came across this weird problem.

              The original problem is Silverlight application in sharepoint does not get connected to the Windows Communication Foundation. This dosent allow us to create a list or library in a site. This is just a security issue at server side  and could be resolved by following this procedure.                    

  1. Open Central Administration
  2. Select Application Management
  3. Select Manage Web Applications
  4. Select the Web Application where the error occurs
  5. In the ribbon, select General Settings
  6. In the Web Application General Settings dialog box, find Web Page Security Validation and select On 

This resolves the problem and now a new list or library could be created.                         

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Create site in a new Content Database Sharepoint 2010

      whenever i tried to create a new site in the server it takes up only default content database. I was looking after to create a new site in a separate content database. Unfortunately when i try to create a new site it does not ask me an option to choose the content database that i would like to create the site.


I dig up and found that this could be achieved using powershell.

First create a content database using central administration.
To create,

  1)  Central Administration -> Application Management -> Manage Content Databases under Databases.

2) You can see a content database that is already available by default. Here you have to add a new content database. Click Add a Content database.

3) You could rename the database name. Provide appropriate name for your database. Click ok.

4) Now you could see a new content database is created.

  To create a new site in that particular created content database use this following script in posershell.

Powershell Command:

New-SPSite http://yourServerName/sites/YourSite -OwnerAlias "ServerAdministratorUserName" -ContentDatabase ContentDatabaseName -Name "SiteNametobeCreated" -Description "DescriptionabouttheSite" -Template "STS#0"

On successful creation of site over the created database, you will receive this created url.